A decision simply defined
is the act of making up your mind about something. Decisions play a
vital role in shaping our life while affecting relationships, and
circumstances also, which in turn has spiral effect on the outcome it
produces be it a positive or negative one.
In one way or the other,
the world at a certain time has been reshaped with powerful
decisions. Decisions changes and makes history.
Man was created by God as
a result of a solid decision and the world came into existence by the
proclamation of a decision by God, that said “Let there be Light”
(Gen. 1:3).
Looking back over the
years and the harrowing journey of life, I must confess that certain
decisions has thus brought me this far, realigning and reshaping my
fulfilled destiny.
I recently made a
decision to cut off friends that have not added value positively to
my life, instead there are like parasites that will suck you dry and
leave you in an unfulfilled state.
The world today is
availing to latest technologies ranging from phones, auto-mobiles,
home appliances, high tech medical equipment, computers, internet,
fashion, music and entertainment which are veritable results of
positive decisions.
Human beings are being
creative through the power of positive decisions, and life's are being
affected through this great decisions.
Politics and diplomacy is
being reshaped by powerful decisions, a decision can result into
Peace or War, between nations.
Recent threats of the
nuclear weapons possessed by North Korea is being tackled with
diplomacy by the U.S through cordial negotiations and decisions in
order to avert a Third World War, which would be very devastating and
At certain times in life
we are caught up at cross-road of decisions and if care is not taken
we are prone to make a mistake in decisions we choose that will have
a spiral effect on our life's afterwards.
You need to pray and
consult God about certain decisions you intend to take so you will be
guided spiritually in undertaking such decisions. I pray for anyone
reading this journal that they will never make a wrong decision in
any project they are planning to under take in Jesus name, Amen.
Make the best decision
today and never look back on it and you will move forward and affect
humanity with a positive decision.